Keeping Your Child Focused on Prayer Over Summer Break

Getting your child to focus on anything over summer break can be a challenge. They’re surrounded by distractions, whether it’s excitement for travel plans or boredom from too much time alone. While the winter holiday season provides easy pathways to focusing on faith, summer vacation creates more of a challenge. Here are our tips on keeping your child praying over summer break.

Plan Sundays Around Mass

Whether you’re at home or on the road, try to plan your Sundays around Mass, rather than trying to see if you can fit Mass into your schedule. When children consistently attend Mass over summer like they do over the school year, it helps keep children focused on what matters. Mass gives your child an opportunity to pray in a faith-filled environment without the outside distractions vacations provide.

Pray in the Early Morning

Wake up early to pray, rather than planning to pray after a long day of activities. If you’re going on a big day trip to Disney World or traveling on the road, this will help ensure that you have a clear mind. It will also be easier to get the whole family together first thing in the morning when they’re not yet wound up or tired from the day. Plan the prayers you and your child will say ahead of time so you know what to focus on each day. Having your child wake up early will have the added benefit of helping them stay on a consistent schedule, which is often a struggle for students over summer break.

Consider Saying a Travel-Related Prayer

Summer travels can create meaningful lifelong memories, but there are also many ways that they can go wrong. Consider saying a travel-related prayer like the one below to put you at ease:

God's Angels guard and keep you

All the way that you must travel

Till Earth's days are past

When blossoms fade and

Time is fleeting fast

In times of purest joy

Or pain and fear

God's Angels guard

And keep you safe.

Catholic Summer Reading

Your child may not be excited to read over the summer, but doing so has many benefits. Summer reading helps prevent summer learning loss and keeps children engaged on something other than screens. Encourage your child to read books on saints or other holy figures. By reading both fiction and nonfiction stories with faith-based messages, they will develop a deeper understanding of their religion and why it matters. 

At Brevard Catholic schools, we believe praying over school breaks helps children stay focused on what matters. Our schools challenge students to be creative and critical thinkers who integrate faith, moral leadership, and compassionate service to make a better world. Through a low student-teacher ratio, classroom technology, and a variety of enrichment activities, we strive to inspire excellence in our students. Contact us to learn more!


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