Ideas for Meaningful Summer Family Time


Students are off school for the summer, so now’s the best time to make plans with the family. Making meaningful memories can be a challenge, especially when we’re distracted by screens. Spending time with family helps children develop a sense of community and become responsible citizens. Here are some of our ideas for bonding experiences that also have the potential to make great family photos:

Play Board Games

Board games hold everyone’s attention and have the added benefit of being screen-free. Select age appropriate games for your children, and they’ll be entertained for hours. Younger children will enjoy simple games like Uno and Go Fish, while tweens and teens can follow more complex rules in games like Ticket to Ride or Settlers of Catan. These games help children learn skills like communicating, losing and winning with grace, and following directions. Playing together can help strengthen family bonds. 


Make Art Together

Making art together not only gives you something to take away but also reminds you of the times you shared. Enroll the family in a pottery or painting class, or if you have all the supplies, consider making art at home. No matter what you make together, it’s sure to be a good time — and better for some family members than others. Worst case scenario, it will be something to laugh about together. Best case, you’ll save money on one-of-a-kind decorations. 

Go Camping

There’s nothing quite like getting away from the hustle and bustle of daily life to help you bond with your family. Florida has several campsites in diverse environments. However, now might be the time to travel to a different state with mountains or breathtaking views. If you’re not into camping, there’s no shame in that. You can always pitch a tent and set up a firepit in the backyard, then decide whether you’ll be staying outside overnight. Whether near or far, camping will give you an opportunity to get away from it all as a family. 


Cook Together

Children of all ages can learn cooking skills. A younger child can start with easy tasks like rolling dough or putting together sandwiches for a picnic. As your child grows older, allow them to help with other tasks like chopping vegetables and watching the pot while it boils. Summer is the perfect time to start cooking lessons. By the time the winter holidays hit, you’ll have a capable young assistant in the kitchen. Your child will also remember the good times they had learning how to cook with their parents.

At Brevard Catholic schools, we believe meaningful family time helps children develop into responsible adults. We challenge students to be creative and critical thinkers who integrate faith, moral leadership, and compassionate service to make a better world. Through a low student-teacher ratio, classroom technology, and a variety of enrichment activities, we strive to inspire excellence in our students. Contact us to learn more!


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